香港電影節又來嚕! 以下是我選的電影~

4月7日 9:30 ua朗豪坊 - 給我一個安寧的家

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不知不覺已經一個星期了,開始適應了新的工作環境,午飯和同是新同事的roy去了triple o 吃,價錢原來已經漲了接近4成,真想不到快餐廳的一個combo也可以收得比尖咀中價飯店的晚餐還要貴,$61大元...真的好像winnie所講,可以吃3餐麥當勞呢...回程時巧遇姑媽和raymond,看來姑媽的紅包是沒可能省的嚕~呵呵

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想不到才剛上兩天班,就迎來了monthly report,越來越覺得自己這份工作的性質像accountant,


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Valetudinarianism <--- The word really means me... it is PATHETIC ...

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During these days, I keep playing this game to killing time. This game is about the devil summoner & the devil ofcourse. The main reason that I will play this game is it use English for story telling. And I  found it has an interesting plot. And I like the world setting too, the world is that of early 20th century Japan, where tradition and Western influences collide. By the way, the character designer Kazuma Kaneko is the one I like, coz his design style is quite unique and cool! Let me show you guys some Japanese version's screenshots first~ enjoy~!

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This week... chicken pox week...

staying at home all day long, feeling bored, surfing the internet, let me find this funny mv.

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